Classic Florist & Home Decor, Your Local Allentown Florist

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Flower delivery in Allentown

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 17 miles from the center of Allentown.

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Classic Florist & Home Decor
913 Hillcrest PKWY
Dublin, GA 31021
Leave a Review
2 weeks ago
I was very pleased with the service that I received over the phone it was quick fast and easy and non stressful thank you for all the help Miss Kim I don't know what I would have done without your help God bless you and thank you
Kim WynnKim Wynn
3 weeks ago
This place has always been my "GO TO" when sending my parents gifts being I live out of town! No matter the time CLASSIC FLORIST ALWAYS pulls thru! Thank you guys so much! Your out of town customer, KIMBERLY WYNN